RSD #1,743 One more habit

Listening to The Power of One More by Ed Mylett on my run again this morning. He writes/talks about the Matrix and how One More thinkers use time better to get more out of the time we all have. We can’t get the time back so use it wisely.

I think that is where the habit of running every day has shown me that I can find the time for what is most important to me. How I plan my day and utilize my time makes all the difference.

I may not always get the desired outcome from the time invested, however, I can learn, adapt, and grow so that I don’t make the same mistakes with my time.

So today is day three of my habit stacking to become a better, more disciplined writer. I will use the time to write in hopes that my thoughts, experiences, and observations will someday help others who are struggling from an uninvited or unexpected change.

This morning was a beautiful run in 52 degree weather. My joints are a little tight and sore from all of the physical labor over the weekend so I took it slow. There really is no better way to start the day!

Run happy!