RSD #1,742 Habit stack begins

Today is day one of the new habit stack. The goal is to become a better writer by stacking writing with running. So today I started with an early run, in beautiful 53 degree weather. I ran my normal route at a comfortable 9:30 pace.

Now I am sitting down to write both this blog and my thoughts on change. Specifically about change that is not invited into your life, the change that can happen in an instant with one bad decision, one bad diagnosis, or one unfortunate event. The unexpected and uninvited change can send the strongest person spiraling and finding a way out can seem overwhelming or impossible.

That is why I feel compelled to write. To tell the stories of all the survivors and how one short story helped pull me out time and time again. Running keeps me healthy and invigorates me…reading keeps my mind active and inspires me.

Run happy!