RSD #1,739 – #1,741 Not Goodbye, it’s see you later

The weekend got away from me and it was a bitter sweet one. Our roommate, who has become like a daughter to me, moved out this weekend. I knew our time together had an expiration date on it and that she would eventually spread her wings and fly away. Knowing it intellectually and experiencing the reality of it are two completely different things.

Isn’t that the same with many things in life? Intellectually, it doesn’t sound difficult to write a daily blog, particularly if you already have a daily habit of running. You make the time to run so how hard could it be to write a quick blog every day?

The reality is that the habit to run every day was already ingrained at a high level. Where as, the habit to sit down and write down thoughts every day was not. (And then there was the technology issue for a few months.)

I am starting a new 66 day challenge today to write for at least 10 minutes per day on the topic of change. So for habit stacking purposes, this blog will be the launching point for the additional writing.

It’s an experiment, much like the daily running. And by the way, the running right now is PHENOMINAL! The weather is so beautiful right now I hope it lasts more than a few weeks. Lows in the 50’s and highs in the 70’s. I went for a trail run yesterday at South Mountain and the spring flowers were blooming. So beautiful and so inspiring!

Run happy!

Spring flowers at South Mountain